Every year The Cliff at Cap Maison entertains Guest Chefs, usually those with whom we have had a close connection. Last September, our globe trotting Welsh Wizard Chef, Craig Jones, travelled to the UK and found himself at the Guernsey International Food Festival, at which he was invited to showcase his Cliff Cuisine. Craig worked alongside Simon McKenzie, executive chef at The Old Government House. OGH is a landmark property in the Channel Islands and also the only 5 star hotel in the islands.
Craig and Ross have invited Simon to come to Saint Lucia in February to return the compliment and on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th the duo will showcase some amazing food.
On the Friday evening (24th) both chefs will offer alternative menus at The Naked Fisherman and on Saturday night ( 25th) they will collaborate on a joint offering. Stands to reason it will be absolutely delicious.
[button link=”http://thecliffatcap.com/guest-chef-february-2017/” type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Menus and Details[/button]